マスクミノウミウシ Noumeaella sp. 5
Gosliner et al. (2015) の、Noumeaella sp. 6 と同種と記載ありReferences
- Noumeaella sp. 5, Terrence Gosliner, Ángel Valdés and David Behrens. (2015). Nudibranch and Sea Slug Identification Indo-Pacific. New World Pubns Inc.
- マスクミノウミウシ(新称), 中野 理枝. (2018). 日本のウミウシ.
- Noumeaella sp. 6, Terrence Gosliner, Ángel Valdés and David Behrens. (2018). Nudibranch and Sea Slug Identification Indo-Pacific 2nd Edition. New World Pubns Inc.